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SanDisk Cruzer Glide 64GB USB Flash Drive Key Features Sleek, streamlined design with an attractive black and red colour scheme The USB drive's connector retracts with a pull of the slide, protecting the drive when it's not in use To transfer files to your drive, plug the flash drive into your computer's USB port and drag the desired files into the drive's folder No additional software or drivers are required Preloaded SanDisk SecureAccess which lets you create a password-protected folder for your sensitive file The password protection uses 128-bit AES encryption, so you'll be able to share your drive without sharing private documents Your Price: £ 5.16 (£ 6.19 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8SDZ60064GB35
MPN Code: SDCZ60-064G-B35
The Cruzer Glide USB Flash Drive offers an easy and secure way to share, move, and back up your most important files. Featuring a compact design with a retractable USB connector, this flash drive is ideal for data users who need easy, portable access to their media and personal files.
General Type Colour Capacity On Board Software Speed Rating Case Warranty