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SanDisk Cruzer Ultra Flair 128GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive Key Features Fly through File Transfers Stylish and Tough Password Protect your files Your Price: £ 10.60 (£ 12.72 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: 8SDZ73128GG46
MPN Code: SDCZ73-128G-G46
The SanDisk Ultra Flairâ„¢ USB 3.0 flash drive moves your files fast. Spend less time waiting to transfer files and enjoy high-speed USB 3.0 performance of up to 150MB/s. Its durable and sleek metal casing is tough enough to handle knocks with style. And, with password protection, you can rest assured that your private files stay private. Store your files in style with the SanDisk Ultra Flair USB 3.0 flash drive.
General Type Colour Capacity On Board Software Speed Rating Read Speed Case Dimensions Warranty