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Sony SRS-XB100 Wireless Bluetooth Portable Speaker Light Grey Key Features Powerful and clear sound with Passive Radiator and Off-Centre Diaphragm Portable, water and dustproof - IP67 16 hour battery life Bluetooth 5.3 Multiway strap Made with recycled plastics and comes in plastic-free packaging Your Price: £ 66.66 (£ 79.99 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8SO10395163
The SRS-XB100 speaker provides powerful, clear, expansive sound in a small, portable and durable body. Despite its size, its packed with technology, including a Sound Diffusion Processor for spreading sound, a passive radiator for deeper bass and an off-centre diaphragm for a clear sound, even at high volumes.
General Additional Feature Battery Life Brand Colour Connection Form Manufacturer Number Of Speakers Power Type Weight