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Sony INZONE H5 360 Spatial Sound Wireless Black Gaming Headset Key Features Precise rival detection with 360 Spatial Sound for Gaming Game for hours in comfort with light-weight 260 g design and minimal side pressure Smooth team communications with bidirectional boom microphone with AI-based noise reduction technology Your Price: £ 102.58 (£ 123.10 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 115.30
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8SO10439090
MPN Code: WHG500B.CE7
A light-weight (260 g) gaming headset designed for gamers on PC and PlayStation®5. Includes 360 Spatial Sound for Gaming activated through the INZONE Hub PC software and a bidirectional boom microphone with AI-powered noise-reduction. Connects via a low-latency 2.4 GHz wireless USB dongle.
General Brand Cable Length Colour Connection Form Function Manufacturer Microphone Noise Cancelling Style Type Warranty Weight Wired/Wireless