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{{ productName }} has successfully been added to your basket 10m 8K 60Hz Active HDMI 2.1 Signal Booster Key Features HDMI Signal Booster Lightweight HDMI signal amplifier Universal Compatibility HDMI 2.1 Compliant Your Price: £ 96.50 (£ 115.80 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 105.39
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Order Code: 8ST10399240
Combine two HDMI 2.1 cables into one extra-long 33ft (10m) cable, using this HDMI Signal Booster. Connect a DSC-enabled source and display for resolutions of up to 8K at 60Hz. The TAA-Compliant HDMI signal amplifier requires no drivers or software. Its compact form factor and metal enclosure make it suitable for installation in a variety of environments. An included 5ft (1.5m) USB Type-A power cable is provided to connect to an available USB port or USB wall charger, if required.
General Brand Cable Length Colour Connection Dimensions Form Manufacturer Type Warranty Weight