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{{ productName }} has successfully been added to your basket Dual Monitor Arm for Monitors up to 27in Key Features Save space by mounting two monitors up to 27in onto a single base (max. weight 17.6 lb. / 8 kg) Keep monitors aligned with micro-adjustment Work comfortably with adjustable height, +/- 30°tilt, +/- 30°swivel and 360° rotation Versatile use with desk-clamp or grommet-hole mounting Place monitors close to a wall/cubicle wall, with a low-profile design Your Price: £ 105.41 (£ 126.49 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
This deskmount dual-monitor arm lets you mount two 13in to 27in VESA mount monitors, each weighing up to 17.6 lb. (8 kg), onto a single low-profile base. It gives you flexible desk-clamp or grommet-hole mounting, letting you save space while creating an ergonomic workspace in any office environment.
General Type Colour Material Steel, Aluminium and Plastic
Form Monitor/Notebook Size Maximum Load Adjustable Attachment Grommet Mount Hole Clamp Table Thickness Dimensions Weight Warranty