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{{ productName }} has successfully been added to your basket 100x M6 Mounting Screws and Cage Nuts Key Features Includes 100x M6 Screws and 100x M6 Nuts Nickel-plated finish to prevent rust Square cage nut design for racks and cabinets with square holes Hassle-free installation with cage nut installation tool included Your Price: £ 68.75 (£ 82.50 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8STCABSCREWM62
This 100 Pack of M6 Mounting Screws and Cage Nuts for Server Racks and Cabinets is convenient to have on hand for installing server, network, AV and other rackmount equipment securely into your storage cabinet or server rack. Each pack includes a cage nut installation tool to ensure a fast and simple installation of each cage nut. The pack includes 100 screws and 100 nuts, providing enough mounting hardware to setup any rack you might be working on. Backed by a lifetime warranty.