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{{ productName }} has successfully been added to your basket 0.5m Black DB9 RS232 Serial Cable MF Key Features 1x DB9 Serial (male) connector 1x DB9 Serial (female) connector High quality shielding prevents EMI interference DB9 connectors with strain relief moulding Your Price: £ 3.40 (£ 4.08 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8STMXT10050CMBK
MPN Code: MXT10050CMBK
The MXT10050CMBK Black Serial Extension Cable (0.5m) features one DB9 male connector and one DB9 female connector, providing a high quality extension for your RS232 serial devices, which enables you to position your peripheral devices as needed. Expertly designed and constructed of top quality materials to ensure durability, this DB9 extension cable is backed by our Lifetime Warranty.
General Type Colour Form Connection DB-9 (Male) to DB-9 (Female)
Cable Length Warranty