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{{ productName }} has successfully been added to your basket 2m Laptop Power Cord 3 Pin UK to C5 Cloveleaf Key Features A convenient spare/replacement power cord thats perfect for use on the road with grounded UK power outlets Rated to carry 250V at 2.5A Fully molded strain relief connectors Durable, reliable performance backed by lifetime warranty Your Price: £ 5.85 (£ 7.02 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8STPXTNB3SUK2M
The PXTNB3SUK2M 2m Laptop Power Cord features one BS 1363 (Type G) UK power plug and one 3-prong C5 connector, making it a suitable replacement cable for an HP, Toshiba or other compatible laptop equipped with a cloverleaf/C5 power connection. Designed for durability and dependability, this Cloverleaf Power Cord is backed by our Lifetime Warranty.
General Type Colour Form Connection Cable Length Weight Warranty Lifetime Limited Warranty