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{{ productName }} has successfully been added to your basket 6ft Ultra Thin USB VGA 2in1 Key Features Connectors are color coded to PC99 specifications for easy installation Single cable design sends VGA video and USB keyboard and mouse signals to the host PC from the KVM switch Video cable is constructed of mini-coax wire for excellent picture clarity Allows for file transfer between KVM and PC Your Price: £ 8.96 (£ 10.75 inc. VAT) Currently 2 items left in stock
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Order Code: 8STSVUSBVGA6
The SVUSBVGA6 6-foot 2-in-1 USB KVM cable is specifically designed to work with any of our VGA USB KVM switches, helping to reduce tangles while maintaining excellent connectivity and performance. To reduce clutter and optimize cable management efficiency, this professional grade USB KVM cable features an ultra-thin design that combines VGA and USB connectors into a single cable, making it ideal for connecting KVM switches inside a cabinet. This high-performance 2-in-1 cable provides excellent video quality even for applications requiring high resolution performance. Backed by a lifetime warranty.
General Type Colour Form Connection Cable Length Warranty