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Shokz OpenFit Air Pink True Wireless Earbuds with Charging Case Key Features Open-ear design for comfort Shokz Air-earhook for steadiness Situational awareness for safety Up to 28 hours of playback for more fun Your Price: £ 119.16 (£ 142.99 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 133.46
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Order Code: 8SZT511PK
MPN Code: T511PK
OpenFit Air inherits the Shokz open-ear design, providing you with enhanced fitting comfort and steadiness thanks to the exclusive Shokz Air-Earhook. Listen to your playlist with a well-balanced sound for workout routines and day-to-day life, and find the pair that fits your style with 3 colour options.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Form Function Wired/Wireless Connection Style Microphone Stereo Noise Cancelling Warranty Battery Life