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Tech Air 15.6 Inch Classic Clam Black Notebook Case Key Features Classic style briefcase Adjustable, detachable shoulder strap Padded foam handle Zipped pocket Foam protection For laptops up to 15.6'' Lifetime warranty Your Price: £ 21.03 (£ 25.24 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 24.25 SAVE: £3.22
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Order Code: 8TETANZ0108V3
MPN Code: TANZ0108V3
Need a robust laptop bag for your laptop? With foam protection, pockets for your documents, mobile, MP3 player and other kit, plus a lap strap. All this and a lifetime warranty. Bless the techair geeks – let’s function with emotion.
General Brand Colour Dimensions Manufacturer Material Notebook Size Shoulder Strap Type Warranty Weight With Wheels