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TP-Link TL-POE160S Gigabit PoE Plus Injector Your Price: £ 15.64 (£ 18.77 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 17.61
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: 8TP10321076
MPN Code: TL-POE160S
The PoE+ Injector TL-POE160S fully complies with IEEE 802.3af/at standards, and can work with all IEEE 802.3af/at PoE compliant PDs (Powered Devices) or PoE Receiver Adapters, such as TP-Link's TL-POE10R, or other equivalent product, to expand your network to where there are no power line or outlet, where you wish to fix device such as AP, IP Camera or IP Phone, etc.