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TP-Link AC600 Nano Wireless USB Adapter Key Features Miniature Design Plug in and forget Supports Wi-Fi Roaming Easy Setup Advanced Security Your Price: £ 11.75 (£ 14.10 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 13.72 SAVE: £1.97
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MPN Code: Archer T2U Nano
The Archer T2U Nano receives Wi-Fi signals on two separate bands. Supporting 256QAM technology increases 2.4GHz data rate from 150Mbps to 200Mbps for 33% faster performance. 433Mbps on 5GHz is ideal for HD video streaming and lag-free online gaming, while 200Mbps on 2.4GHz is perfect for normal use such as web surfing with legacy devices.
General Type Wireless Network Adapters Wireless Network Adapters
Brand Colour Connection Data Rates Dimensions Manufacturer