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TP-Link AX3000 WiFi 6 Bluetooth 5.0 PCIe Adapter Key Features Unrivalled Dual-Band Speed 2402 Mbps+574 Mbps Ultra-Low Latency Brings Smoother Experience Intel® Wi-Fi 6 Chipset for Reliable Connections Wider Signal Coverage with Magnetized Antenna Base Your Price: £ 40.27 (£ 48.32 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 63.78 SAVE: £23.51
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Order Code: 8TPARCHERTX3000E
Arm Your PC with Next-Gen Wi-Fi Technology. The very latest Wi-Fi 6 standard guarantees extreme speed, ultra-low latency, and uninterrupted connectivity. Utilizing the Wi-Fi 6 foundation, Archer TX3000E is designed to liberate your gaming from cables and fully optimize your gameplay. Discover the missing component of your gaming arsenal!
General Type Wireless Network Adapters
Colour Protocol Dimensions