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TP-Link 5GHz AC867 23 dBi Outdoor CPE Access Point Key Features 802.11ac for up to 867Mbps on 5GHz wireless data rate 23dBi high-gain directional 2×2 MIMO, ideal for long-distance application Excellent beam directivity, improved latency and noise cancellation Innovative snap-lock parts make for fast assembly Sturdy structural design keeps CPE710 stable even in strong winds Durable IP65 weatherproof enclosure 5kV ESD and 6kV lightning protection ensures all-weather suitability Your Price: £ 61.09 (£ 73.31 inc. VAT) Currently 5 items left in stock
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Order Code: 8TPCPE710
MPN Code: CPE710
TP-Link’s Outdoor CPE is dedicated to reliable solutions for outdoor wireless networking applications. With its centralized management application, it is flexible and ideal for Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint applications As network scale increases, wireless competition and collisions among outdoor devices will be so fierce that the real throughput of the network will drop, resulting in a serious impact on end-user experience, to mitigate these effects, TP-Link’s Pharos series uses MAXtream3 TDMA Technology.
General Colour Data Rates Dimensions Protocol Type Wireless Network Adapters