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TP Link AC1750 WiFi Range Extender Key Features Expand Wi-Fi Network for Ultimate Performance Expanded 450Mbps on 2.4GHz + 1300Mbps on 5GHz totals 1750Mbps Wi-Fi speeds Three adjustable external antennas provide optimal Wi-Fi coverage and reliable connections Gigabit Ethernet port acts as a wireless adapter to connect a wired device to your network at gigabit speed Intelligent signal light helps to find the best location for optimal Wi-Fi coverage by showing the signal strength Works with any Wi-Fi router or wireless access point Your Price: £ 45.94 (£ 55.13 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8TPRE450
MPN Code: RE450
Boost Your Wi-Fi Coverage Up to 10,000 sq ft* Tired of Wi-Fi ''dead zones''? The TP-LINK AC1750 Wi-Fi Range Extender connects to your router wirelessly, strengthening and expanding its signal into areas it can’t reach on its own. The device also reduces signal interference to ensure reliable Wi-Fi coverage throughout your home or office. *Maximum extended Wi-Fi coverage specification is based on performance test results. Actual Wi-Fi coverage may vary due to different environment, building material and wireless interferences.
General Type Colour Data Rates Connection Certification Dimensions (WxDxH)