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TP Link TL WPA4220 Powerline Universal WiFi Range Extender 2 Ethernet Ports Network Kit Key Features One-Touch Wi-Fi Extension HomePlug AV standard 300 Mbps wireless connections Two fast Ethernet ports Your Price: £ 68.90 (£ 82.68 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 76.23
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Order Code: 8TPTLWPA422, 8TPTLWPA4220TV4
MPN Code: TL-WPA4220 TKITV4.0
Extend Wired and Wireless Network to Any Room Using Existing Electrical System The powerline products TL-WPA4220 TKIT transforms your home’s existing electrical circuit into a high-speed network, and brings wired and wireless networks to anywhere there is a power outlet.
General Type Home Plug Network Home Plug Network
Brand Certification Colour Connection Data Rates Dimensions (WxDxH) Manufacturer Operating Range