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Fellowes 9169201 Premium CPU Stand Graphite Key Features Stores CPU under or beside desk adjustable width 152 to 229mm accommodates virtually all CPUs solid steel construction with padding to protect and cushion CPU four castors provide easy mobility two locking castors ensure stability Your Price: £ 21.13 (£ 25.36 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 65.23 SAVE: £44.1
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Order Code: 27081J
MPN Code: 9169201
.Fellowes CPU Stand has 2 lockable wheels for sturdy placement around your home or office with the option for portability should you choose to move location.
This unit saves desk space by storing CPU under or beside your desk, preventing tipping hazards and keeping your home or office tidy. The full adjustable, sturdy, solid steel construction comes complete with padding to cushion and protect the CPU.