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Durable Polypropylene Report Covers 100% Recyclable A4 Transparent (Pack 50) - 293919 Key Features For use in conjunction with spine bars to protect unpunched documents Unique contoured end of spine bar enables simple insertion and removal of papers Especially suitable for spine bars 2900 and 2901 Your Price: £ 11.46 (£ 13.75 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 11727DR
MPN Code: 293919
Keep your documents protected with these professional polypropylene report covers which protect against dust and dirt. The report covers have a semi-transparent finish to give a stylish finish and premium feel to unpunched documents. Pack includes 50 report covers that provide front and back protection for up to 500 A4 sheets. Perfect for use with Durable A4 spine bars. (Spine bars not included)
General Type Colour Document Size Material