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Guildhall Slipfile Manilla A4 Open 2 Sides 230gsm Cream (Pack 50) - 4609Z Key Features Strong 230gsm filing board files for everyday use in the office, classroom or home Open on two sides for easy access Printed space foe titles on top, side and back of file Holds approx. 50 sheets of A4 paper Your Price: £ 26.24 (£ 31.49 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 66462EX
MPN Code: 4609Z
These Exacompta Guildhall Slipfiles open on 2 sides for easy access to contents and hold up to 50 sheets of 80gsm A4 paper. The slim files are made from 230gsm board and also feature a pre-printed titling space at the top for quick identification. Ideal for colour coordinated filing,
General Type Colour Size Material File Colour Grammage Dimensions Weight Eco-Aware Environment Support Recyclable Biodegradable Country of Origin