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Fellowes 9929801 Cable Zip - Silver Key Features Effortlessly organise wires and cables to remove clutter and avoid trip hazards included hand tool makes it quick and easy to use can be easily cut to the required size or combine two together for longer wires 200cm long and 2cm in diameter Your Price: £ 4.75 (£ 5.70 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 10.11 SAVE: £5.36
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 32012J
MPN Code: 9929801
Tidy all your cables and wires in an instant with the Fellowes cable Tidy which also prevents potential trip hazards in your office or home.
Remove clutter From your workspace with this cable Tidy which is designed to clear your office from loose wires and cables created by the array of electrical products we all own. Fully re-usable, this wire tidy can easily be cut into size to suit any space.
Two or more Cable zips can be combined to suit longer Wire lengths and it can be opened At any time to allow cables to be removed.
The Cable Zip is 2M long and 2cm in diameter.