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GBC Academy Plus A3 Laminator Key Features Laminator specially designed for schools & colleges ready in 2 minutes 800mm per minute lamination speed laminates up to A3 using 75 - 250 micron pouches simple intuitive controls and auto-reverse to prevent misfeeds capable of handling all sorts of classroom materials includes 1 x A4 & 1 x A3 pouch carrier Your Price: £ 219.75 (£ 263.70 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 621.69 SAVE: £401.94
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 29652J
MPN Code: 4410010
The GBC Academy+ is specifically designed to meet the rigorous demands of the classroom and busy school office. Built to withstand frequent everyday use with a protective pouch carrier, it reliably handles all kinds of different materials. From small, irregular shapes to A3 posters, it delivers high quality lamination every time. Simple, versatile, quick and easy to use - all your schools lamination needs met.
This laminator includes an A4 & A3 pouch carrier and an extended 3 year warranty.
GBC Academy Plus A3 Laminator brochure