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AF Tech-Wipe Cleaning Wipes (Pack 25) AMTW025P Key Features 25 impregnated wipes for technology devices Easy to use, convenient. Euro hook packaging ideal for retail, Non flammable, No alcohol Suitable for: Tablets, Smartphones, VR headset casing. Your Price: £ 2.94 (£ 3.53 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 69696AF
MPN Code: AMTW025P
Ever thought about how many finger prints are on your smartphone or tablet? AF technology wipes are an excellent solution to such a common problem. Effectively removes common grease, dust and fingerprints built up on screen surfaces. Just wipe and go. A handy flat pack of 25 impregnated wipes mean that you can clean your mobile technology on the go at your convenience. AF International always recommends that you check manufacturers guide before using any screen cleaner or test a small area first.