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AF PC-Clene Cleaning Wipes Tub (Pack 100) PCC100 Key Features Re sealable tub of 100 impregnated cleaning wipes Non-Flammable, Anti-Static, General purpose, Re sealable tub to lock in freshness. Suitable for, Keyboards, Plastic surfaces, PC and Office equipment Your Price: £ 3.71 (£ 4.45 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 6.50 SAVE: £2.79
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: AFPCC100
MPN Code: PCC100
A general purpose tub of impregnated, anti-static cleaning wipes can be used on all glass and plastic surfaces of pc and office equipment. Compatible with office and home working environments. Convenient re sealable tub locks in the freshness of the wipes for future use. For best results use alongside AF Safetiss to polish surface after cleaning.