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Avery Original Desk Tidy Black - 88MLBLK Key Features 260 x 95.0 x 150 mm Multi-compartment tidy with Label Pad Holder. Varying size sections can store scissors, pens, pencils and highlighters, as well as shallow scoop trays for paperclips and erasers. Your Price: £ 12.06 (£ 14.47 inc. VAT) Currently 5 items left in stock
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Order Code: 45049AV
When your desk has been covered with paper, pens, scissors and sticky notes have you ever wondered how to keep it neat? Help is at hand with this black desk tidy from the Avery Original range. You can store different stationery in the relevant compartments - there is a pen holder, a section for sticky notes and space for scissors and correction fluid. By keeping all your office products in one place you can keep your desk tidy so you don’t waste time looking for items.
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