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Avery Original Book Rack Extendable 6 Section Black - 66MLBLK Key Features 304 x 193 x 183 mm Modular system of six high-strength interlocking units. Make your rack as short as long as you need - with single or double compartments. Ideal for tidying books, folders, files and documents on your desk. Your Price: £ 29.81 (£ 35.77 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 45035AV
For a simple storage solution suitable for books and files try the modular book rack from the Avery Original range. This rack is great for offices that don’t have much space for book shelves or where files need to be within easy reach on desks. It comes in black, hard wearing plastic with a set of 6 dividers so it is simple to make the rack as short or as long as needed.
General Type Colour Material Capacity Dimensions Weight Country of Origin