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Aurora AX-582PK Scientific Calculator Key Features Twin Line LCD 240 functions fractions ×/÷/-/+/=/π/√/M+/M-/% expression editing degrees/radians & gradians trigonomics hyperbolics statistics data editor 6 types of regression analysis pink Your Price: £ 5.86 (£ 7.03 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 10.99 SAVE: £5.13
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 25125J
MPN Code: AX582PK
The Aurora AX-582PK combines a 2 line LCD display that shows both the sum and answer with a TrueLogic algebraic entry system which allows you to enter calculations in the order they are written. The AX-582PK is great value scientific calculator suitable for use on all UK exams, that permit the use of calculators.
POWER SOURCE: 2 x LR44 included
12 months exchange warranty. Return to base with proof of purchase & description of fault
Aurora AX-582PK Scientific Calculator brochure