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Epson Perfection V850 Pro A4 Scanner Key Features Slides, film, medium format & prints Swaps between 6400dpi for slides and film, and 4800dpi for photos One second warm up time and two sets of film holders Accurately reproduce tonal range and gradation of the original Digital ICE Technologies cleans-up old film and photos Your Price: £ 877.19 (£ 1052.63 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: EPSPERV850, 8EPB11B224401BY
MPN Code: B11B224401BY
Featuring enhanced high-pass optics that deliver the highest level of image quality with faster scan speeds, the V850 Pro can convert a wide range of media and film formats into professional-quality digital images. This high-productivity 6400dpi scanner requires virtually no warm-up time, can remove dust and scratches automatically and includes two sets of high-quality film holders.
General Type Colour Design Connection Resolution Scan Size Sheet Feeder Film Scanning Weight Warranty