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Fellowes 5601901 Admire A4 80Mic Easyfold Pouch 25pk Key Features Size A4 2 x 80 micron easyfold pouches pack of 25 Your Price: £ 5.81 (£ 6.97 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 13.50 SAVE: £7.69
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 28820J
MPN Code: 5601901
Each pouch provides sturdy protection for A4 posters, notices, documents and more from scrapes, creases, and spills. It's the ideal choice for frequently handled documents, keeping them clean and pristine for a professional look, or make sure important notices are always visible and clear.
This pack includes 25 pouches.
There is currently no warranty cover for this product