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Bic 4 Colours Fashion Ballpoint Pen 1mm Tip 0.32mm Line Light Blue Barrel Lime Green/Pink/Purple/Turquoise Ink (Pack 12) 887777 - 982870 Key Features Medium-point retractable ball pen that writes in 4 different colours, allowing you to easily colour-code your work 4 different inks in the same pen: pink, purple, turquoise & lime-green Refillable and retractable New pastel coloured barrel 1.0mm tip that gives a line width of 0.32mm Your Price: £ 24.43 (£ 29.32 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 753075, 68366BC
MPN Code: 887777
BIC 4 Colours Fun gives you 4 different fun colours of ink in the same pen, letting you switch between them as your work dictates so you can efficiently complete your writing tasks. The round lime green barrel contains 4 retractable points that write with lime green, pink, purple and turquoise inks. The 1.0mm points write with an elegant 0.32mm line width making this a great, versatile pen for home, work or the office.