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Brother Black Standard Capacity Ink Cartridge 3k pages - LC3233BK Key Features Black Prints 3000 pages in accordance with ISO/IEC24711 High quality, genuine Brother cartridge 'Simple Cartridge' technology - transparent cartridge so you can gauge how much ink is inside Prevents waste to save you paper, time and money Your Price: £ 17.83 (£ 21.40 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 22.01 SAVE: £4.18
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Order Code: BRLC3233BK
MPN Code: LC3233BK
The LC3233BK is a high yield black ink cartridge that prints up to 3000 pages. As a genuine, expertly tested and designed Brother product, you can feel confident you’re getting the best possible quality and value from your printouts.
General Type Colour Yield Cartridge Type