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GBC Catena 65 A1 Roll Laminator Key Features Laminates up to 685mm pivoting table additional stop button on the back of the machine mount to Boards up to 6mm thick adjustable temperature control up to 149ºC programmable preset keys rear trimmer Your Price: £ 2365.93 (£ 2839.12 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 5438.12 SAVE: £3072.19
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 30020J
MPN Code: 1712002
The Catena 65 tackles your most demanding jobs with unmatched ease, versatility and efficiency. This new and improved laminator encapsulates and mount jobs up to 685mm wide, making it the perfect choice for small print shops, universities and large offices. Plus, its increased 6mm mounting gap ensures that mounting to foam core is quick and frustration-free. Equipped with new easy-to-use features including an open design, pivoting table, AutoSpeed and programmable presets, the Catena 65 is now simpler than ever to operate - even for first-time users
GBC Catena 65 A1 Roll Laminator brochure