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GBC CC500 Manual Comb Closer Machine Key Features Binds up to 500 (70gsm) sheets at a time using a 51mm comb Binds A4 portrait and A3 landscape Lightweight and portable Manual single handle closer Non-slip rubber feet Compatible with comb sizes 6mm to 51mm Use stand-alone or combine with GBC MagnaPunch Elite Your Price: £ 246.48 (£ 295.78 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 578.37 SAVE: £331.89
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 35161J
MPN Code: 4410055
Binding doesn't get any simpler with the GBC CC500 Comb Closer. This manual finisher streamlines the binding process, making presentations quick and hassle-free. Binds Documents up to 500 sheets at a time.
The left-handed lever operates smoothly with a simple pull and push motion, ensuring effortless operation.
Warranty 1 or 2 years depending on model type. (please check on for more information) For Warranty repairs of all types of GBC Binders, please contact the Acco customer service team on 0844 209 8348 (Proof of Purchase / PO Number required)