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Canon 052BK Black High Capacity Toner Cartridge 9.2k pages - 2200C002 Key Features Replacement of cartridges is simple for the user, without needing a print technician or support team Efficient and fully recyclable packaging means no landfill and reduced CO2 Eliminates need for maintenance of specific parts with classic Canon cartridge design Fully compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances initiative Your Price: £ 163.10 (£ 195.72 inc. VAT) Currently 3 items left in stock
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Order Code: CACRG052H
MPN Code: 2200C002
Canon’s 052H black toner cartridge is the ideal solution for those who need their cartridges to go as far as possible. With a page yield of up to 9,200, it can handle a significant workload without compromising on quality. Alongside high page quantity, this Canon All-in-One toner avoids the need to replace tricky components as it can be changed using a single cartridge. The 052H cartridge packaging is fully recyclable, resulting in no landfill and a reduced CO2 footprint. This toner cartridge is fully RoHS compliant.
General Type Colour Yield Cartridge Type