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Casio MX-12B Desk Calculator White Key Features Large and clear 12 digit display Dual powered (solar with battery backup) percentage Calculation 3-Key Memory 3 Digit Comma markers Function command indicator Key for changing plus/minus sign Your Price: £ 4.20 (£ 5.04 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 5.49 SAVE: £1.29
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 33346J
MPN Code: MX-12B-WE
This basic desk model has a clear 12 Digit display & is easy to use. It is dual powered and performs the major basic functions: addition (extra big key), subtraction, multiplication and division & percentage.
It also has a square root key and positive and negative number key. It also incorporates a 4-key memory function and a Mark up Key (MU).
Other functions include:
4 Key Memory
Mark Up Key
Square Root Key
% Key
Double size + Key
Change Sign Key
Large plastic keys