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Dahle 106 Professional Strip cut Shredder Key Features Up to 22 sheet capacity * 5.8mm strip cut 260mm throat width 60 litre bin shreds credit cards small paper clips and staples separate CD feed opening and waste box energy saving - automatic stop after 30 minutes of inactivity Your Price: £ 608.19 (£ 729.83 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 780.35 SAVE: £172.16
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 31629J
MPN Code: 40306-06952
The Dahle Waste Shredders are safe and powerful with increased waste volume with P-2 Security Levels.
The benefits of a Dahle shredder includes a comfortable, quiet working atmosphere by extremely quiet operation, precise shredding by high-quality cutting cylinders, Eco-friendly waste separation by separate waste containers for paper, CDs, DVDs and Cards, Easy operation by comfortable operating panel & Low maintenance by oil-free operation
Conforms to DIN level P-2/O-2/T-2/E-2
* Using 80gsm weight paper
Dahle 106 Professional Strip cut Shredder brochure