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Dahle 519 A2 Commercial Guillotine Key Features A2 guillotine 35 sheets cutting capacity 700mm cutting length Stable metal base with non-slip rubber feet Stay-down D-bar clamp holds item being cut perfectly in place Your Price: £ 863.15 (£ 1035.78 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1581.35 SAVE: £718.2
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 32793J
MPN Code: 00519-21537
The Dahle 519 A2 Guillotine is a High-quality guillotine for commercial use. Pressed steel blade. Two scale bars with mm scale for an exact 90° cut, this guillotine is ideal for the office.
The Dahle 519 guillotine is ideal for a variety of tasks and materials. The shearing action of the knife style blade produces a precise, neat cut every time.
This Dahle Guillotine also features a Stay-down D-bar clamp which holds the paper being cut perfectly in place, the adjustable, screw-fastening backstop can be used to quickly find the right format – and can be used on both scale bars.
Technical Specification:
Cutting length in mm - 700 Max
Paper size in DIN – A2
Paper thickness - 70 g/m²
Cutting capacity per run 70 g/m² in sheets - 35
Scaling in cm