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Dahle 534 A3 Personal Guillotine Key Features A3 personal guillotine 15 sheets cutting capacity 460mm cutting length Sturdy solid metal table with rounded edges and non-slip rubber feet Solid-steel blade holder for optimum upper blade guidance Your Price: £ 125.05 (£ 150.06 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 156.04 SAVE: £30.99
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 31603J
MPN Code: 00534-21343
The Dahle 534 A3 Guillotine is a handy machine that will make light work of your tasks whether in the office or at home. Pressed steel blade. With a see-through hand clamp and 2 scale bars with cm markings, this trimmer is ideal for the home or office.
The Dahle 534 guillotine is ideal for a variety of tasks and materials. The shearing action of the knife style blade produces a precise, neat cut every time.
This Dahle Guillotine also features a hand clamp and all are designed for totally safe operation including an ABS shield for even greater protection.
Technical Specification:
Cutting length in mm - 460 Max
Paper size in DIN – A3
Paper thickness - 70 g/m²
Cutting capacity per run 70 g/m² in sheets - 15
Scaling in cm