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Dahle Glass Flip Chart Easel 70x100cm Key Features Glass Flipchart height adjustable from 160 to 190cm tempered glass (70x100cm) magnetic and easy to clean when dry-wipe markers are used includes two flipchart block holders mobile on five castors with brakes Your Price: £ 278.49 (£ 334.19 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 339.30 SAVE: £60.81
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 31610J
MPN Code: 96012-15732
Perfectly equipped for your presentation, this high-quality glass board and flipchart from Dahle provide optimum support in presentations, lectures, workshops & seminars. Practical and reliable leaving you to concentrate on the essentials!
Dahle Flipcharts convey effective communication and flexible presentation in a range of styles to suit your needs.
Dahle Glass Flip Chart Easel 70x100cm brochure