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Epson LK-6WBJ Black on Matte WhiteTape Cartridge 24mm - C53S672064 Key Features Epson labels are designed to last Self-Adhesive Laminated Waterproof UV Resistant Temperature Resistant Your Price: £ 7.27 (£ 8.72 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 9.67 SAVE: £2.4
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: EPC53S672064
MPN Code: C53S672064
Epson labelling solutions can help make identification easy. With label makers and tapes to suit every need, LabelWorks has you covered. Whether you require resistance to abrasion, chemicals or extreme weather conditions, Epson labels have been designed to survive the toughest conditions. From heat shrink tubes to self-laminating cable wrap, our tape range offers you complete versatility and flexibility, whatever you need to label.