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Rhodia A5 Hard Cover Casebound Business Book Ruled 192 Pages Black (Pack 3) - 119231C Key Features 96 Unpunched sheets Black ribbon bookmark 90g brushed vellum paper Microperforated bottom corners Date planner and other useful information on inside front cover Your Price: £ 18.70 (£ 22.44 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 66728EX
MPN Code: 119231C
The notebook specially designed with business in mind, highly functional with a sharp style to help you stay organised and efficient. Made with premium quality 90g white paper to offer the perfect smoothness and opacity with superior strength.
General Marker Ribbon Weight Country of Origin Biodegradable Recyclable Environment Support Eco-Aware Dimensions Type Cover Pages Grammage Binding Rulings Size Cover Colour