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Sharpie Permanent Marker Pack of 12 single Metallic Silver Fine Permanent Markers Key Features Box of 12 packs single pen blister pack Ink Colour: Silver Metallic Tints leave a remarkably shimmering effect on dark surfaces No need to shake: just store them upside down Quick-drying ink that resists smudging fading and water Fine tip for crisp lines providing greater precision and smooth ink flow Your Price: £ 22.41 (£ 26.89 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 40.80 SAVE: £18.39
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Order Code: 35339J
MPN Code: 1986004
All that glitters is not gold, but silver! Discover the magic of Sharpie permanent markers in metallic shades. Their fine yet sturdy tip is ideal for drawing sharp, slightly matte lines on most surfaces.
With this permanent marker pouch, rest assured that your creations and art will make a strong impression and will not fade, smudge or fade.