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Bi-Office Encore Grey Felt Lockable Board 16 x A4 sheets Key Features 16 x A4 sheets Lockable Swing Door Indoor use wall placement Aluminium Frame internal depth: 18mm supplied with 2 keys Your Price: £ 150.00 (£ 180.00 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 35198J
MPN Code: VT950103150
Designed to be robust, secure and lightweight, the Bi-Office Enclore Felt Lockable Board allows for the safeguarding of notices, warnings, and other documents from public viewing. Specially developed for busy spaces where information must be kept safe, it should be placed in indoor spaces and is suitable to be used in schools and universities, conference centres, hotels and private and public buildings in general.