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HiHo 4000W 1080P Full HD Colour Webcam Key Features Full HD 1080 DP Video (Up to 1920 x 1080 Pixels) built-in dual stereo mics with noise reduction automatic low-light correction auto White Balance (AWB) hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified Your Price: £ 74.99 (£ 89.99 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 99.99 SAVE: £25
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Order Code: 31536J
MPN Code: HIHO-4000W
Enhance your video calls with a Hiho 4000W full HD webcam with 4 built-in microphones that excel at noise reduction so your can have crystal clear calls, along with perfect image quality and auto-exposure control.
With video conferencing becoming commonplace now, the HiHo 4000W full HD webcam will ensure you experience the best quality calls, whether it’s Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet. It’s easy to set up, just plug in and go!