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HP 912 Yellow Standard Capacity Ink Cartridge 3ml for HP OfficeJet Pro 8010/8020 series - 3YL79AE Key Features HP designs its printers, Original HP cartridges, and HP papers so that your prints will last For best results, always use genuine Original HP Ink cartridges Your Price: £ 7.42 (£ 8.90 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 19.47 SAVE: £12.05
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: HP3YL79AE
MPN Code: 3YL79AE
Whether your HP printer uses ink, toner, or filament, they all have one thing in common - HP printers perform better with Original HP Supplies. Whether for your home or office, Original HP Supplies work better with HP printers to deliver the highest quality prints and legendary HP reliability.
General Type Colour Yield Cartridge Type Ink Volume