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HP LTO4 Data Tape 1.6TB - C7974A Key Features Unique cartridge shell avoids mistaken identification in large, mixed media archives. Increased capacity with up to 800GB native storage on a single cartridge. Reinforced by HP's unique media testing and qualification process for maximum reliability in back up and restore. Lowers cost of ownership for corporate and enterprise data centres, with the best cost per GB ration of any product in its class. Capacity: 800/1600GB Your Price: £ 31.59 (£ 37.91 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: HPC7974A
MPN Code: C7974A
Highest capacity and performance of any tape technology. Smoother base film and smaller magnetic particles for more recorded data in the same amount of tape. Increased margin between Early Warning End of Media (EWEOM) and End of Media (EOM). HP warrants Ultrium 1.6 TB RW cartridges for up to 30 years archival life and/or 260 full back ups. This ensures businesses can meet the ever increasing demands of regulation for data retention and archiving. 240 MB/sec transfer rate. Capacity: 800GB / 1.6 TB.