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HP Poly CS540A + HL10 Bundle Key Features Convertible headset base and handset lifter bundle pack three wearing styles features wireless DECT 6.0 technology range of 350 feet 7 hours of talk time superior noise cancelling microphone one touch control Your Price: £ 175.18 (£ 210.22 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 245.80 SAVE: £70.62
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 34301J
MPN Code: 8R706AA#ABB
CS540: Wireless solution, lightweight and stylish headset can be converted into 3* styles: over the ear, headband & behind the neck design, up to 7 hours talk time, up to 350ft range (depending on environment), audio controls volume/mute at your fingertips, conference in up to three additional headsets for enhanced collaboration, advanced wideband audio using CAT-iq technology for high definition voice quality
HL10: Automatically lifts handset on a wide range of telephone systems, suitable for use with the CS500 series wireless headset systems
* Neckband sold separately