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Rapesco Stand Up Space Saving Stapler Plastic 20 Sheet White - 1319 Key Features Vertical, space-saving 20 sheet stapler Uses Rapesco 24/6mm and 26/6mm staples Staple supply indicator Ergonomic design for easy use 15 year guarantee Your Price: £ 3.09 (£ 3.71 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 29639RA
MPN Code: 1319
Hugely convenient, this desktop stapler uses less space and is easy to grab for quick use thanks to its upright position. The stylish and practical Stand Up / Space-Saving Stapler has a 20 sheet (80gsm) capacity, 54mm throat depth and features a staple-refill indicator and a lock-back feature for easy re-loading. Manufactured from premium quality materials to exacting standards, this stapler is backed by a 15 year guarantee.
General Type Colour Material Capacity Use Staples Warranty