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GBC IB410215 CombBind PVC File Strips Pack of 100 Key Features PVC File Strips for use with the GBC CombBind machines 21 hole enables a comb bound document to be filed away in a ring binder for easy storage Your Price: £ 19.40 (£ 23.28 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 38.11 SAVE: £18.71
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 27715J
MPN Code: IB410215
Binding doesn't get any simpler! Finished documents frequently need storing, archiving or organising for later reference or updating. The GBC FileStrip is a simple way to enable bound documents to be incorporated into almost any conventional organisational or archiving solution - such as a ring binder or presentation folder. They are bound into the document during the Binding process and being of clear plastic remain discreet yet strong.
There is currently no warranty on this product please contact your Dealer for refund/replacement